From Accounting to Sushi: A Journey of Logic and Art - Non Touristy Experience


From Accounting to Sushi: A Journey of Logic and Art

When I first started offering sushi classes, I never imagined that many of my guests from the United States would be professionals working for some of the most well-known companies in the world. It’s not something I usually ask them about—after all, they’re here on vacation, and I want them to leave work behind and enjoy the moment. However, through casual conversation, I often learn about their occupations, and I’m always amazed by their dedication and hard work.


Reflecting on my own life, I remember a time when I was part of the Ernst & Young team, living a fast-paced, stress-filled existence in the accounting industry. If you had told me ten years ago that I would leave that world to start teaching sushi-making classes, I would have laughed. It seemed an improbable shift—what could accounting and sushi possibly have in common?


At first glance, the two couldn’t be more different. One involves crunching numbers and analyzing data, while the other requires precision in crafting delicate, beautiful pieces of food. But when you look deeper, there’s a surprising connection: both require logical thinking to achieve a perfect final product. In accounting, it’s about accuracy and balance; in sushi, it’s about precision and harmony.


Yet, there is a significant difference as well—sushi-making demands a sense of artistry. This element of creativity is what allows me to offer something truly unique to my guests, who are often immersed in the logical, structured world of their professions. By stepping into the world of sushi, they experience a refreshing shift—a chance to engage in something that is not only precise but also deeply artistic and culturally rich.


It is this contrast, between the logic of their daily work and the art of sushi, that creates a memorable, non-routine experience. In my classes, these hard-working professionals get to enjoy the thrill of creating something with their hands, something that is beautiful, delicious, and far removed from their everyday responsibilities. For a brief time, they step away from the demands of their careers and into the tranquil, creative world of sushi, where logic meets art, and where they can find a new kind of fulfillment.


Looking back, I see how my journey from accounting to sushi has allowed me to connect with people in a way I never could have imagined. It’s a reminder that even the most unexpected paths can lead to places of great joy and satisfaction—and sometimes, the skills we think are unrelated can come together to create something truly special.