Please feel free to reach out to us regarding any inquiries related to our services. Kindly complete the necessary information in the form below and submit it.
- Inquiries will be attended to on business days, excluding weekends, national holidays, and the New Year holiday period.
- Please make sure to read the ‘Privacy Policy’ before filling out the form. Items marked with an ‘※’ are mandatory, so please ensure to fill them in.
- We will respond within 3 business days of receiving your inquiry. However, in the event of a system failure or due to some other reason, if we are unable to respond, please contact us by phone if you do not receive a reply.
You can also contact us by phone.
Our business hours for telephone inquiries are on weekdays from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM and Saturdays from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Please call us at 090-1818-6832